Edge AI

Starware Design has experience in edge AI for audio and video applications.
Architecture definition/evaluation
Implementation on FPGA/ASIC
Implementation on microprocessor/microcontroller
Verification of the implementation agains the model (i.e. using Cocotb)
Previous projects
Video AI proof-of-concept
Person detection proof-of-concept running on Zynq UltraScale (ZCU104).
Starware Design tasks:
Model preparation for FPGA deployment
Software running on the FPGA with PyQT GUI
28nm audio AI ASIC for keyword spotting.
Starware Design tasks:
Benchmark of the existing AI architecture and proposals for the next generation architecture.
AI network bit-accurate modelling
Evaluation board hardware, software and FPGA design (Xilinx Artix7 plus STMicroelectronics STM32MP1).
Automated lab test setup design and implementation (similar to Amazon Alexa compatible devices testing).
RTL design and validation using Cocotb and AI model in Python